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3 Things Jesus Did To Save--3

County fairs are a great American tradition! All across the country, youthful farmers display their handiwork and compete for Best in Show ribbons. Canned pickles, fruit pies, embroidery, and beauty-groomed livestock are all presented to the judges

with pride. In the case of calves and swine, literally years of TLC have been invested by the time doting 4H’ers brush their sow’s bristly tail curl and affectionately adorn a floppy ear with a broad pink bow. Often that bathed and babied porker has barely cleared the judging process before it finds a leaky hose’s custom-fit slough available via the first pen gate left ajar. In an instant that coiffed and manicured pig has comfortably cooled itself and resumed normal muddied barnyard appearance. God has the same problem with those He’s cleansed from sin. ”People can be made free from the evil in the world….by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But if they go back into those evil things and are controlled by them, then it is worse for them than it was before. Yes, it would be better for them to have never known the right way…[than] to turn away.” (2 Peter 2:20-22, ERV). Keeping cleansed sinners clean and forgiven sinners free is an essential part of saving them! The third thing Jesus did to save us solves that! Jesus ascended to Heaven for Me to empower me to stay clean! The operative word in staying saved is “continue.” Good Ol’ Paul who lifts up the crucifixion of Jesus and the Resurrection of Jesus as essential, also has plenty to say about what Jesus does to keep keep us saved and keep us His!

  1. ”If you continue to live and teach rightly, you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.” (1Timothy 4:16, NCV). Paul says it again,

  2. ”They will be saved if they continue to live in faith, love, and holiness with sensible behavior.” (1Timothy 2:15, ERV). Again, Paul states the mindset of those who stay saved.

  3. “God is kind…to you, if you continue trusting in his kindness.” (Romans 11:22, ERV).

  4. ”But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse…But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned.” (2Timothy 3:13-14, KJV)

My favorite concise boil-down of the Gospel comes from the Beloved Disciple, who else?! Nobody could frame salvation in love and friendship terms like the one who leaned in and rested his head on Jesus’ chest minutes before Satan and his demons unleashed upon Him a violent capture, illegal trials, and the sordid mutilation and execution! “This is it!” John wrote. ”This is eternal life: that they may be knowing You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3, DLNT). And that’s the third thing Jesus did to save us! He made Himself continuously available as a very personal shunt for the free-flowing power of God from heaven to “the most oppressed and suffering, for the most tried and tempted ones…He beholds His people in this world…all seared and marred with the curse, and He knows that they need all the divine resources of His sympathy and His love!” (Review and Herald, August 15, 1893).

When the angel chariot lifted off from its Mount Olivet launch site, Our Friend Jesus was directly escorted to the cosmic nerve center of righteousness, God’s sanctuary temple in heaven. Paul’s challenges to continue, continue, continue, continue are too big an assignment from inside my shoes on this turf below. But, helping me continue is not too hard for My Friend Who has already conquered the enemy of my soul! All I have to do is stay Friends with Him! “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession…Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:14-16, RSV). My hand is in My Friend’s hand there! He can do this! And, I can keep my hand in His! It’s the third thing He’s doing to save me! Jesus is saying, “I’m here! Stay close! My strength will carry you through!” “And now, little children, remain in relationship to Jesus, so that when he appears we can have confidence and not be ashamed.” (1John 2:28, CEB).

Firstly, Jesus died to save me from the penalty of my sins. Secondly, Jesus rose from the grave to save me from the physical presence of sin! Thirdly, Jesus ascended to heaven to become my Great High Priest and empowering Friend to save me from the power of sin. What a Savior is Jesus my Lord! I’m going to spend the rest of Earth time sharing the three things Jesus did to save us, “Telling the whole truth and nothing but!”

My All-Time Savior accomplished some of His salvation gift on an Israeli hilltop on an April Friday in 31 AD. He accomplished more of his salvation gift a couple mornings later when Satan lost his grip on the Grave! Now, every day as Satan strategizes ways to interrupt our Jesus-gaze, the Savior spills copious quantities of Spirit strength to just the place in our lives we need Him! Jesus, My Jesus, Who ever liveth to make intercession for.......You and much-forgiven Me!!

Did you see it coming?--Christ's keep-me-saved ministry being one of three things Jesus does to save us?

Next Monday, "What's He Doing Up There? Who's called to Tell It?"

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