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Resurrection in ICU Room 6--Two Truths

February 9, 2009, began as an ordinary Wednesday at Gordon Hospital in Calhoun, Georgia. My ordinary errand only took me a mile from the hospital and I was already on my way back. But, the switchboard paged me twice during the 3-minute drive. "Chaplain, we really need you in ICU!" The curtain was drawn for privacy in Room 6. Pulling it back as I tapped the door glass and entered, I identified myself and asked the family if I could be with them. Maintaining their silent dreadful suspense, a half dozen of Edna Tate's loved ones nodded their assent. I took the empty bedside chair next to Edna's weeping daughter and placed my hand upon her's which already held that of her dying mother. Chaplains learn to non-speak the language of the Spirit Who "begs God for us, speaking to him with feelings too deep for words." (Romans 8:26, Easy-to-Read Version)

Just sinking into their sorrow in order to relate and minister to them, our silence was interrupted by the blaring respiration alarm which Edna's nurse quickly turned off to spare the Tate Family further brash reminders of what they knew was true. Doctor Max Parrot, MD, Gordon Hospital's Chief Medical Officer, entered long-faced. He'd been studying the monitors and vital signs record at the Nurses Station and now would confirm the worst with his stethoscope. "I'm sorry," he embraced each of Edna's loved ones, then slipped away to document the time of Edna's death.

1. God Turns Sorrow into Gladness! "Has anyone prayed with you this morning?" I asked. My patient custom took over as I bent down to Edna's ear like so many other patients who find it hard to hear soft words in the environment of medical technology's clicking, chiming, and wheezing. "Heavenly Daddy, Thank You for coming so close right now. Please look into Edna's heart of hearts and find faith there. Count her faith as righteousness and save her a seat beside You on Your throne..." Prayers are frequently interrupted by Hospital Staffers suddenly chancing upon a quiet spiritual moment, but never before like this! Her Respiratory Therapist had removed and turned off Edna's ventilator. She no longer needed it. Breaking off mid-phrase, my petition was answered with a loooong raspy gasp! Then Edna inhaled again...then again! Wet faces stared at each other then bloomed into joyous realization! God had given Mother back to them! The Lord had fulfilled His promise. “I will turn their mourning into joy; I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow… They shall be radiant over the goodness of the LORD.” (Jeremiah 31:13, 12, English Standard Version)

2. Ministry is Divine Interface. Next morning, Dr. Max passed me in the Progressive Care Unit corridor. Pointing a finger at my chest, he said, "That was You!" I knew what he meant. The spiritual side of Gordon Hospital's medical ministry had stepped boldly forward! Like a printer cable or modem's WiFi signal connects to a computer's central processing unit, a simple heartfelt prayer had accessed God's life-restoring power! Ministry by sincere but fallible humans connects seekers to Almighty God! How essential that we answer the call to minister!

Interfaces aren't the CPU, they're only connectors, but the design requires both. Referring to devoted medical profes-sionals and staff members, the visionary founder of Adventist healthcare wrote, “In taking the name of Christ upon them they have pledged themselves to become laborers together with God… If you will lend the aid of your influence and effort to the work of Christ, angels will unite with you, making you a saving power for Christ.” (Ellen White, Medical Ministry, p. 196) What if we don't answer the call?! A critical Old Testament reformation had to be postponed because there weren't enough ministers to keep God's original schedule! “The king and his princes and all the assembly in Jerusalem had taken counsel to keep the Passover in the second month [instead of the prescribed first month]—for they could not keep it at that time because the priests had not consecrated themselves in sufficient number.” (2 Chronicles 30: 2-3, English Standard Version) Is it possible someone might go without God's rescue because I'm not spiritually tuned up and ready for Him to use? “When you neglect to offer prayer for the sick, you deprive them of great blessings; for angels of God are waiting to minister to these souls in response to your petitions. In every possible and pleasant way… be true workers together with Christ and…be instruments in His hands.” (Ellen White, Medical Ministry, p. 195)

Without an interface, the computer can't work. Dr. Max said, "That was You!" He meant it was God accessed by my prayer. But, would God have restored Edna without a Chaplain or another medical missionary on our team? And, dedicated humans are God's design for every ministry from food banks to stadium crusades, from oil change clinics to Christian schools in India! God wants to turn sorrow into gladness! And, you're essential for Him to do that!

Working with you for HIM,


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