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The Greatest!

Jesus recommended only one woman as "World Class! "What this woman did told...all over the world!" He said. (Mark 14:9, ERV) Everywhere people talk about extraordinary individuals, they talk about her! She's unforgettable! She's Mary, the forgiven Call Girl.

That day she met Jesus in the temple was the first time in her life Mary had met a man more interested in her soul than her body. When He said, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more," (John 8:11) she trusted that somehow He would take her guilty place. "Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out...had been healed of evil spirits." (Luke 8:2-3, NCV)

Seven thick layers of shame rolled from her shoulders and were replaced by a rich gratitude! Of course she'd never be invited to the dinner party honoring the Savior, but she would be there! She lived to thank Him for her new purity. Even if her priceless gift's fragrance broke up the event, she had to go! She now had "World Class" gratitude based upon forgiveness only available as an import from heaven! And Jesus calls her, "The Greatest!"

"Success is often defined by what kind of car a person drives, what kind of clothes are worn, what kind of house a family owns. With the Lord it's not what kind of car the person drives but what kind of person drives the car. With Him the issue is what kind of woman wears the dress and what kind of family lives in the house. With God success is not defined by how much you have but how much you give. Do people fear you or love you? In the world, greatness is measured by how many people work for you, but God looks to see how many people you serve." ("At Jesus' Feet," Doug Batchelor, p. 85)

Presbyterian minister, Robert Falconer, was witnessing in a foreign city among its destitute citizens. He read them the Bible story of Mary Magdalene washing Jesus' feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. A loud sob interrupted his reading. He looked up at a thin, young girl whose face was disfigured by smallpox. He spoke personally and encouragingly to her before she interrupted him again. "Will He ever come again, the One who forgave the woman? Will it be soon? Falconer assured her He would return someday soon. After sobbing again uncontrollably, the girl asked, "Sir, can't He wait a little while? My hair ain't long enough yet to wipe His feet."

I owe Him a debt of gratitude, too!

His friend and yours,


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