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Gentle and Lowly

Below, the finest lines describing the ultimate LIFE have been lifted from their context to rock the common concepts of the Son of God. Here you can experience a new look at Jesus in two minutes. My rearrangement of his words doesn't lessen the profound benefit of reading the whole of Pastor Dane Orlund's THE HEART OF CHRIST FOR SINNERS AND SUFFERERS [Crossway, Wheaton Illinois, 2020]. I highly recommend it to all who "have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23, CSB). --- Chaplain Dave Smith

In the four Gospels, 89 chapters of Biblical text, there's only one place where Jesus tells us about His own heart. Perhaps the most wonderful words ever uttered by a pair of lips!

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29, English Standard Version)

In the one place we can peer way down into the core of Who He is, we are not told He is "austere and demanding in heart." We are not told He is "exalted and dignified in heart." We are not even told that Jesus is "joyful and generous in heart." Jesus chose the terms, and His surprising claim is,

"I am gentle and lowly of heart."

Our heart defines and directs us. And, when Jesus tells us what animates Him most deeply, what is most true of Him--When He exposes the innermost recesses of His being--what we find there is: GENTLE AND LOWLY!! Jesus is not harsh, reactionary, easily exasperated. He is the most understandng Person in the universe! The posture most natural to Him is not a pointed finger but open arms. We project onto Jesus skewed instincts of how the

world works. We think the wealthier a person, the more they tend to look down on the poor. We think the more beautiful a person, the more they are put off by the ugly. We quietly assume that One so high and exalted can't stand to draw near to the despicable and unclean. Yes, He draws close to us, but He holds His nose!! We think Jesus is like a little boy reaching out to touch a slug--face all screwed up...a yelp of disgust...arm jerked back!

Instead of that...Our very fallenness is most irresistibly attractive to Him!!

The same One that reached out to touch lepers, puts His arm around our messy souls today to answer our half-hearted pleas for mercy!!

As deep as our sinfulness runs, ever deeper runs His gentleness!

When we sin, the very heart of Christ is drawn out to us!!

The sins of those who belong to God open the floodgates of His heart of compassion to us. Then the dam breaks!

It is not our lovliness that wins His love, It is our unlovliness!! The things about yourself which make you cringe the most, make Jesus hug the hardest!!!

He is gentle and lowly of heart and we shall find rest unto our souls! (Matthew 11:28-29)

That's the heart of Jesus drawn full out for a sinner like me and I cannot resist it!! Can you??

Chaplain Dave

P.S. If you're drawn to a Savior like this, open the Video Blog Entry entitled "The Last Shall Be First" to hear me preach this message as a Campmeeting Sermon with an in-sermon survey which helps us see who we really are before assuring us of Who Jesus really is!!!



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