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"How are you feeling?" Husbands and dads are notorious for dodging this one. "Never been better!" they say while wives and children see them clutch their chest or grab a chair to keep from falling! Push him further, and the man of the house might curse at those who love him most! Their pleas for him to go to the doctor are too much! "Ah, just leave me alone! Don't you dare call somebody about this," is a childish substitute for BEING A MAN!

"Such are the paths of all who forget God; the hope of the godless shall perish. Their confidence is gossamer, a spider's house their trust. If one leans against its house, it will not stand; if one lays hold of it, it will not endure." (Job 8:13-15, NRSV)

"Face it!"

"Admit it!

"You can't."

"Get help!"

"Take a Knee!"

"Only trust Him!"

Every Ten Step recovery program in the world begins with admitting your need and the impossibility of self-management. Behaviors which become out-of-control for some trying to manage their behavior themselves include










Violence to Self

Social Media

Video Games


Prescription Medicines


Assaulting People

Setting Fires


Seeking Pain

Religious Obsession, and


Job's shoes were mud-stuck in illness with pain and grief. To himself, he was real. "I'm so depressed. This is too hard!" "I loathe my life...I must appeal for mercy." (Job 9:21,15, NRSV)

Job was out of hope, so he cried out! "Then, the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind... 'Gird up your loins like a man!'" (Job 38:1,3,NRSV) "BE A MAN! Quit pretending you can handle everything on your own!" Real strength is getting help!

"BE A MAN" is God's best advice for girls, boys, and women, too! Exchanging Independence for In-Dependence frees us from a quest to accomplish every challenge faultlessly. Instead, our life aim is to daily deepen a friendship with the only One anywhere able and willing to take on our challenges for us and WIN! That's BEING A MAN, facing our weakness, admitting we need God, and choosing Him for today and forever!

"Then Job answered the LORD...'Teach me, and I will be silent; make me understand how I have gone wrong.'" (Job 6:24-25,28, NRSV)

The Lord responded, "Now, you're learning, Job. Those humbly wanting My help are the ones I can exalt and lift!"

Near the end of King David's life, he challenged his Son, Solomon the same way. "Be strong, be courageous and keep the charge of the LORD your God, walking in His that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn." (1 Kings 2:2,NRSV) One unforgettable night, the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what he wanted from God as he became king. Solomon answered LIKE A MAN. "I am only a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in...Give your servant therefor an understanding mind." (1 Kings 3:7,9,NRSV) Because he was MAN enough to admit his need, Solomon's reign was the greatest of any in national history!

God's BE A MAN promise isn't only for ancient monarchs in 1,000 BC! Peter repeated it for our modern benefit. "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and that you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of lust, and become participants of the divine nature." (2Peter 1:3,4,NRSV)

She was blonde, blue-eyed, talented, and coming to see me during our college's Christmas break in Miami. Oh, how I wanted to impress her! She said, "Yes!" when I asked her if she'd like to see sunrise over Biscayne Bay, next morning. Up and down all night checking the clock, I finally nodded off about the time to awaken the girl of my dreams. Through the mangroves a little lane wound its way to a placid water hammock above which the golden orb would break the horizion to create a dazzling mirror for an incomparable first date! It wasn't far, but I missed a turn. I turned around and missed another. She had to be thinking, "What an idiot!" when she offered her suggestion. "How about asking someone for directions?" A sudden geographic recognition surged up my arms to the steering wheel. I swerved across oncoming traffic and came to sudden rest along the opposite curb.

I burst from the car and raced up to a knowledgable-looking tree. The conversation didn't last long with my barky source. His "directions" were precise. The door, seat, and starter all did their lickety-splittish as we sped off, took the next Left and arrived at the Bay's edge just in-time! Yes, I blundered like every male ego before me! She was impressed, alright. I wasn't in touch with my own weaknesses enough to admit them and reach out for help. My Dreamboat had to overlook that weakness to fall in love with me! How about spiritual challenges? Would her college boyfriend pretend he had everything under control when his family needed him to fall on his knees in their behalf?! Yesterday, in Church, nearly a half century since that first date, our Pastor preached a Father's Day message on BEING A MAN. He said real Christian men are followers! They take commands proudly, faithfully, and with decided purpose from their divine General, Prince Emmanuel. A blonde-now-white-haired, blue-eyed, talented woman leaned close to me and whispered, "That's the kind of man MY MAN is."

A half century teaches you something! Either that or her generous love credits me more than I deserve. One thing is for sure. That's the kind of MAN I want to be! How about you?

Pastor Dave



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