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Counting Steps Not Falls

The house is gone. It was an imposing three-story which filled the whole corner there on Perry Avenue. It had floor-to-ceiling bookshelves filled with very old

National Geographics in the short hallway connecting the front parlor to the nearest bedroom. On the sunporch, GrandDaddy's ham radio crackled with static as he called "CQ, CQ!" My Grandfather took pride in the fact that those little white leather training shoes carried me my first several steps in his parlor. Within days, my wobbly steps crossed the path of a playground swing, breaking my nose, blackening half my little boy face, and paining those who loved me most, including my Grandfather. Seventy years later, the way GrandDaddy valued my first steps swells my sense of worth though he's been cemetary sleeping several decades.

History was repeated. Brynlie chose a unique moniker for her grandfather, and I answer to "BeeBah" with glee! Watch her take off on her own for the first time in

this proud grandfather's living room. Did you see that full-body smile of elation?She mirrored my exuberance. That geeky voice on the sound track was me, BeeBah, doing my grandfatherly best to communicate pride, support, and forever love. The beautiful young mother in yellow is the new strider's Mommy, Mindy. It's so obvious that her toddler's victory is a precious waymark for her as coach! Because of a cord wrap delivery, untold hours of physical therapy and appointments with specialists became routine extra effort for this Super Mom! Brynlie's Daddy, Jason, is in the video, too. Brynlie surely earned no developmental demerits from any of us for her toe stubs, tumbles, and noggin bruises surrounding her victory! We were counting her steps, not her falls.

How is it that we find grace for little tykes, but have none for those big enough to know better? We don't blame babies, but adolescents and young adults making bad choices "deserve what they get." We pile onto professionals being gang tackled with accusations that end their careers without even pausing to consider the validity of critical rumors! Cranky depressive seniors get no slack for the life tragedies which made them that way.

Thank you, Father above, for believing in those without good reasons for their fall-downs. Thank you, Jesus, for emptying heaven's grace bank for the un-worthy! Thank you, Spirit, for persisting until you find a way into the vilest or most indifferent lives until they look up, reach up, take Your hand to stand up, and take steps with You again!

"Then you will count my steps. But you will not keep track of my sin." (Job 14:16, ICB)

Echoing the verse above from Job, use the following dream to visualize yourself taking steady steps upward and arriving in the gracious presence of Jesus.

"I had another dream... 'Do you wish to see Jesus? He is here, and you can see Him if you desire it.'... He led me to a steep and apparently frail stairway. As I began to ascend the steps, he cautioned me to keep my eyes fixed upward... Finally we reached the last step, and stood before a door... He then opened the door, and bade me enter. In a moment I stood before Jesus. There was no mistaking that beautiful countenance; that expression of benevolence and majesty could belong to no other. As His gaze rested upon me, I knew at once that He was acquainted with every circumstance of my life and all my inner thoughts and feelings... He drew near with a smile, and laying His hand upon my head, said, 'Fear not.' The sound of His sweet voice thrilled my heart with a happiness it had never before experienced... I seemed to have reached the safety and peace of heaven." (Christian Teachings and Experience of Ellen White, 1922, p. 1925)

"Then you will count my steps. But you will not keep track of my sin." (Job 14:16, ICB)

Teach me to walk right in-step with you, dear Savior!

Your friend and HIS, Pastor Dave Smith



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