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Built To Be Shame-Proof

When I was a kid, a new toy car with a "Made in Japan" sticker wouldn't last the whole day in which we received it. Now, I won't own a real vehicle which isn't "Made in Japan" because Consumer Reports rates them highest in reliability! Quality is built-in.

Only a company in Denmark can solve a "can't play missing notes" problem with the clarinet I play for our church orchestra. In all the world, their technicians alone convert open tone hole clarinets to those with covered or "plateau" keys on an instrument made of fine Grenadilla wood. When a dilemma looms large, only mastery of skill satisfies.


What about a PERSON "Made in Heaven" by the ultimate Craftsman--God?! They'd have to be impeccably built, wouldn't they?! That's what the Bible says about me and you. "As you come to Him...chosen and honored by yourselves...are being built to be...holy." (1Peter 2:4-5, Christian Standard Bible).

BUILDING TAKES TIME Construction is a process. Footers, then foundation, then partitions, then joists, then rafters, then deck sheeting, then tar paper, then shingles are all added until a house emerges from the materials on the work site. "Ye yourselves...are built up, a spiritual house." (1Peter 2:5, Young's Literal Translation). Even a fast crew must take the time that's necessary. That Danish woodwind re-manufacturer needs one month to dismantle and re-key a wooden clarinet.

It takes time for God to build a person of character, too. Peter calls the process "grow[ing] up into your salvation." (1Peter 2:2, Christian Standard Bible). Growing up physically takes about 20 years. Growing up in character takes years, too. Finessing the details of a holy character into us as He builds, we gradually take on "God’s likeness." (Genesis 5:2, International Children's Bible). His goal for us "is to become like a full-grown man--to look just like Christ and to have all His perfection." (Ephesians 4:13, Easy to Read Version).


Thousands of crafts booth operators set up in small town city parks across America every weekend during crafts fair season. To afford their hobby, they depend upon $10 per item so they can purchase supplies to make more items to sell at $10 per item, and so it goes over and over from one town to another until they wear out their hobby. Rapidly assembling products and rapidly snatching the Thomas Jefferson bills, everything is about fast product creation and fast dollars!

Our Creator, Jesus, is so different from that! Igniting mini explosions in our chest, He initiates the ka-thump of a rhythmic heartbeat. Then, the Creator gently presses our first breath from fresh lungs. Now, Jesus commences the unbroken gaze of divine tenderness passing through cornea and irises to alight on the sensorial love surface of our very heart of hearts. That love gaze is life-long. While He rolls out each body system and our bones and sinews lift our height, his continuous love gaze is building our core. He thinks as He gazes, "How I long to make you my sons and give you a desirable land, the most beautiful inheritance of all the nations." (Jeremiah 3:19A, Christian Standard Bible) We burst back our response. "I want to be Your child, too! I desire that home in heaven!" "Gooooood, then let's go! "I am always with you. You hold on to my right hand." (Psalm 73:23, God's Word). "Yes, Lord! I want nothing so much as to hold Your hand and walk where You lead!" He continues, "I thought, 'You will call me 'My Father' and never turn away from me.'" (Jeremiah 3:19B, Christian Standard Bible).

This Master, this Craftsman, our Creator is so in love with those He's built and walking with, that He doesn't measure our love-back with a scrupulous inventory of our missteps along the path. For Jesus, it's all about the walk and our hand! The matured, the well-built, the forgiven, the saved, may have gotten their shoes dirty, but their hand is in HIS! "Roam through the streets of Jerusalem. Investigate; search in her squares. If you find one person...who pursues faithfulness, then I will forgive." (Jeremiah 5:1, Christian Standard Bible). God doesn't reserve His grace for those who never got goo in their sneaker tread. They don't need it. But, there isn't anybody out there with self-immaculate soles or souls. There are only pursuers and giver-uppers. There are only hands in-trouble and hands in-HIS!

Florentine, Carlo Collodi published The Adventures of Pinocchio in 1883. It's been translated into 240-260 languages worldwide. After the Bible, it is the most-read Italian book in history! The book's success is likely due to its echoing of Bible truth. Woodcarver Gepetto pours his talent into making a playful wooden marionette he names Pinocchio. The puppet's runaway misadventures encounter multiple dangers including an apocalyptic giant snake, a pawless cat, undertaker rabbits, and the gorilla judge. The narrative's power centers on the craftsman's intense devotion to his creation which in the end transforms the puppet into a real human boy who loves him back for life!

The Bible promises, "The one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.” (1Peter 2:6, Christian Standard Bible) Peter chose the Greek word pisteuown, a present participle. It's not a one-time altar call "trust." It's not an every-so-often "trust." He says when we make a habit of trusting Jesus, when we walk with Him every day, as long as our hand is up inside His warm clasp, we're shame-proof. We're HIS for good.

My hand's in His, Your's too?


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