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God Won't Give You More Than you Can Handle

They mean well. They're trying to comfort you. They think they're quoting the Bible. But it's a serious lie that hurts more than it helps! We're usually fond of folk theology until we examine the harm it does. "GOD WON'T GIVE YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE" misquotes 1 Corinthians 10:13.

"God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way out so that you may be able to bear it." (Christian Standard Bible)

1. This verse cannot be saying God gives us trials, hardship, and temptations! Charging the Lord with sending the hard stuff in life is like punching Him in the face! In fact, James 1:13 says, "You should not say, 'God is tempting me.'...God Himself does not tempt anyone." The familiar phrase, "GOD WON'T GIVE YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE" must be rejected because our adversity doesn't come from God!

2. God is our Defender not our Attacker! "He will not allow" clearly portrays the Lord as protecting us from the same one who repeatedly tempted Him. Over and over Jesus identified the one who sends trials as, "The devil... the tempter... the devil... the devil... again the devil... 'Go away, Satan!'... the devil." Matthew 4: 1,2,3,5,8,10,11.

3. God's "way out" doesn't always eliminate the trials. What He provides is HIMSELF as a "carry-the-load-with us" Companion. As long as we're walking with Him, we'll be "able to bear" EVERY trial because He's under our burdens bearing them with us! "Trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” John 16:33, Message.

"Take me on a walk, Daddy, please." "Sure, Son, Where do you want to go?" "I don't care, Daddy," the boy said, taking his father's hand. They strode away from home crossing the railroad track. Entering the local zoo, they visited the leopard's wire enclosure. The large cat's eyes followed the little boy like it's prey. Deciding to run around the ferocious feline's pen, the boy's paces suddenly halted as he froze in the realization that the the big cat had matched him stride-for-stride with only wire between them. Grabbing his father's hand once more, they exited the park and topped a nearby hill, stopping to survey their

route. "Have you ever been here before, Son?" "No, Daddy." "Do you know where we are?" "No, Daddy." "Can you get home from here, passing the leopard and the busy train tracks?" "Son, are you lost?" "No, Daddy, I'm not lost. I'm with you."

Walking hand-in-hand with God brings His strength to bear on every trial. Assuredly, He will help us handle all the adversity life throws at us!

Now, there's a promise to claim!


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