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Job's Jobs 1: Adore AND Abide

Scholars of ancient literature say JOB is the Bible's oldest book. From the pulpit, I have often quizzed Bible readers to see if they could point sufferers to helpful scripture. Most congrega-tions earn an "A" grade, barking in one voice, "JOB!" But, these earliest chapters in God's Word contain much more than the narrative of a holy man's terrible case of devil-inflicted boils! It is a veritable encyclopedia of practical faithful living. You're going to find yourself adopting Job's methods or spiritual tasks, steps, or jobs as they're spotlighted on the billboard of this Blog for the next few posts.

I. Adore AND Abide

Who says bragging is a sin? God the Father brags! At both Christ's baptsim and His transfiguration, The Father audibly claimed Jesus as His "Beloved Son" of whom He was very proud! (Mark 1:11;Matthew 17:5) God is quoted as calling David "a man after My own heart." (Acts 13:22) And, in Job 1:8, where one of the few head-to-head debates between God and Satan is recorded verbatim, The Father brags on Job.  "The LORD said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless man who fears God AND turns away from evil.'" (Job 1:8,NRSV)

In a simple 1-2 description, God describes the nature of His faithful followers. They:

  1. Fear God AND Turn away from evil.

  2. Accept the free gift of salvation AND learn to walk on in-step with God from there (Ephesians 2:8-10).

  3. Believe AND act.

  4. Worship the Savior AND turn their back on the tempter.

  5. Reverence God AND resist the enemy.

  6. Play Offense AND Defense.

  7. Are Justified AND Sanctified.

  8. Are Forgiven AND Growing.

  9. Trust and Obey.

  10. Get high on Jesus AND moon the devil!

  11. Adore and Abide.

Oh, how I wish I could nullify all the times I've disgraced or embarrassed My Maker! Oh, how I wish God could brag on me like He did Job! God said Job was "tam" (Hebrew) or "blameless." The Bible's original word does not imply absolute sinlessness. It signifies, rather, completeness, integrity, and sincerity. The New Testament equivalent for "tam"  is the Greek word "teleios" or "perfect." In 1Corinthians 14:20 it's translated to mean "mature." "Brothers and sisters, do not be children in your thinking; rather, be infants in evil, but in thinking be "teleios"/adults." (NRSV)  God calls us to be grown-up Christians, fully-developed "until we all a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:13, NASB1995)  

The cosmic argument had to be heated! Berating God's whole kingdom as systemically flawed, the Dean of demons insinuated we're all fake! Discounting any human affection for their Creator, the arch-villain confronted the divine King. "They only want the prizes You pour out!" "Does Job fear God for nothing?" (Job 1:9,NRSV) Like village kids when Gringo missionaries arrive, Satan asserts we're all running around waving our arms and calling in hopes the One throwing shiny American toys, will lob one our way. We're only "following" for what we can get! So, what do you think? Isn't Satan right about a lot of so-called "Christians" who come down to the front of the church after the preacher's especially fiery description of hell on Sunday Night? Relieved to be "saved" from future flames, by Monday Night on the way home from work, they're back in the bar. Claiming the salvation prize without loving the Giver leaves us with only a claim! Only adoring the Savior will produce an abiding ongoing Heaven-Earth friendship which proves our salvation real and lasting.

"They're all selfish fakers," Lucifer contended. In face-to-face dispute, needing solid proof, Heaven's Monarch rebutted the devil's assertion with a human example, faithful Job. God's financial blessings to Job placed him atop that ancient era's Forbes list! "This man was greatest of all the people of the East!" (Job 1:3,NRSV) But, God told Satan Job's prayers were not "Gimmie gimmie" prayers. And, Job didn't stay around only because God protected his oxen, donkeys, sheep, and camels from Chaldean rustlers. Job's relationship with God was founded on genuine trust and adoration, not net worth. "Even if He slays me...yet I will trust in Him!" (Job 3:15,NIV & KJV)

In their debate, God retorted, "No, Satan, my followers are not all gift-grubbing fakers! Look at Job, for in-stance, he's a grown-up example." Then, God describes what a full-grown follower of God does. "Job...feared God AND turned from evil." (Job 1:1,NRSV) Job grew a two-phased life. So will full-grown followers of God.

Week after week, in the mid-1990's, I was locked up in an East Tennessee jail to visit a murderer. Discovering his wife's affair, the young man's vengeance drove him to blast bullets through a living room window to take the life of the offending lover. Only the Spirit knows when behind-bars Bible studies transform a heart. But, I was let-down when upon his release my "seed-casting" wrought no church-attendance. Seemingly, the prisoner heard the Gospel, stated his reception of God's grace, but once freed, reverted to his secular lifestyle. His baby theoretical conversion appeared to be a respect and reverence or "fear" of God. But, it was never coupled to a turning from his old familiar sin path.

How about you? Do you want to be full-grown spiritually? Do you want both to accept Jesus' wondrous sacrifice for you AND to live for Him in a way He can brag about? Make Job's Job 1 your own JOB ONE. Adore the Savior AND abide or stay with Him, turning from the tempter when he shows up!

Your friend,

Chaplain Dave

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