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What Happened On Christmas Part Three

A torn warm-up suit melted by a distant campfire and stained by countless driveway oil changes hangs in my closet. I hide the grimy garment in the back of the pulpit on Sabbaths I preach this message in Church. When it's time for application to real life, I pull out the greasy pants and jacket and put them on over my suit while John 19:16-18 is read:

"They took Jesus...out to...'The Place of the Skull' ...There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle."

All the Gospel writers state that Jesus was crucified in the middle. Matthew and Luke say:

"Then there were there two thieves crucified with Him, one on the right hand, and another on the left." (Matthew 27:38, KJV)



Mark points out that Christ's crucifixion between two thieves fulfills Isaiah 53:12 which predicted He would be "NUMBERED WITH THE TRANSGRESSORS."

The Son of God dressed in our clothes! He pulled a greasy warm up suit on over His divinity and got in the middle.

Teenagers and Pre-teens--Jesus was a teenager, too, you know! He "put on the clothes you wear" 'cause He loves teens! He knows the pressure to excel with grades, "make it" with girls or guys, have the coolest clothes, be popular on-campus, be outstanding at church. He knows. Instead of sidelinedor saved for Church, Jesus wants to be in the middle of what's going on with you right now!

Grievers and Husbands & Wives of Aged Partners--Jesus was a griever, too, you know! He lost His earthly Dad! Joseph is absent from the scene at Calvary. It appears His Dad got old and died. Jesus knows your hollow feeling! He wears mourner's garb. It appears Joseph was much older than Mary. Could Jesus have known the pain of Alzheimer's like many of you? He knows! He's in the middle of it with you.

Singles--He "put on your clothes." Not all those whisperers on the edge were enthralled with His theology! Some were criticizing Him for being over 30 and never having been married nor even having dated! He knows.

Are You from a Family with Partiality?--Jesus' brothers and sisters were embarrassed by Him! They didn't want to be associated with Him! They were ashamed of His beliefs, His faith. They preferred each other over Him. He knows. He has "worn your clothes."

Children--Jesus "Put on your clothes," too! He was teased on the playground. They made fun of Him when He did what was right, when His sandals weren't the right brand, when His robe was from Penny's or WalMart instead of Old Navy. He knows.

Fatigued--Jesus took the garb of humanity when it had already been wearing out for about 4,000 years! Instead of pristine Adam fresh from the Creator's hand, Jesus was the "Second Adam," so tired He could sleep in a sinking boat during a Galilean typhoon!

Guilty--Is your conscience killing you to the​​ point you've lost hope? Think you're a mess? He wants in the middle! He wants to ADOPT you!!

Sick--Think you'll not be able to take another step? Jesus "wore your clothes." Somebody had to carry His cross. He couldn't make it physically. Worried about your health? Have a terrible diagnosis? See Him lacerated, pierced, hemorrhaging. He knows. He got in the middle.

"We have not a high priest which cannot be touched

with the feeling of our infirmities.." (Hebrews 4:15, KJV)

Little Freddy was alone in the immense orphanage. All the white-starched uniforms scared him! All the rules sounded impossible to obey! Would he be beaten like he'd been at the last foster home? Suddenly, an extra stern voice commanded, "Dinner time! Line up for the cafeteria right now!" Freddy broke from the line, dove under his bunk, and slithered all the way to the wall! The counselor, the supervisor, and the matron all commanded his compliance before finally the Superintendent, himself, was summonsed. His tender voice invited Freddy to be his guest at the head table where extra dessert was sometimes served. But, Freddy was scared! He determined not to let a soft voice fool him! Patient entreaties, coaxing, resting intervals, and repeated requests did not bring Freddy out. Then, the tall well-groomed gentleman surprised everyone with something never before seen! His sharply creased suit



Love Came All the Way Down to Where We Are!!

Have you got Jesus in the middle of your life?

Your friend and HIS, Dave

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