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Snubbed By a Convict

Early in my ministry, I came across a story that went straight into the sermon I was writing. It had to. It makes so plain the decisive reason humans end up in heaven or don't.

​Moved by the helplessness of an abandoned baby, a highly successful businessman and his wife took the infant boy home. Nutritious food and affection, family

play and good schools, help with homework, camping trips, church, a college fund, music lessons, and regular medical and dental care were all provided Bobby. He responded to all the love they could give him and at 16, chose to be adopted and take their name. With pride, Bobby's parents made him officially theirs and wrote him into their estate documents as full heir. Then bad friends, bad choices, a psychiatric diagnosis, and addic-tions threatened their son but only heightened his parents commitment to him. Court and jail didn't lessen their support, either. Steadfast in their devotion to him, they faithfully communicated and visited him where he’d been imprisoned for serious crime. Over time, Bobby's boyhood joy at telling Mom and Dad

everything hap-pening in his life shrank to one or two word an-swers. Then he declined their calls. Repeatedly, letters and pack-ages were return-ed unopened. Finally, he refus-ed to come down and see them on visitation day declaring he was no longer part of their family. His Dad and Mom had long ago proven that their love was greater than his illness, addictions, and police record! Bobby was their’s, part of them. He was “Family!” But, he no longer wanted to be. Heartbroken by the inexorable drift that stole their son, the faithful parents could no longer hope for reconciliation. They finally instructed attorneys to remove their precious Bobby from the family will.

The Bible's as clear as the old story. Salvation is all about relationship!

“And what is eternal life? It is knowing you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3, NIRV)

Talking to Him, listening to Him, being familiar with His wishes, choosing accordingly...this is relationship with God: Living as His and loving it! That's living eternal life now! That's being "saved."

"See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God!” (John 3:1, AMP)

It's easier to be saved than lost! Jesus and Father God are continuously stretching toward a deeper friendship with us. It takes extreme effort to snub them, ignore their love, and finally convince them to give up on us.

“God's eyes are on the paths people choose… They stopped following God. They did not care about any of his ways.” (Job 34:21,27), Voice/ICB)

Being "lost" is all about relationship, too.

With my hand in His,


Are you glad these scriptures have described salvation as coming from being fast friends with God instead of your attempts to “toe the line?”

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